Where is God in my mess?

The answer is simple He is right in the midst of it with you. God never leaves us. Out of desperation due to overdue bills, family issues, work situations, whatever the chaos of the day, we are the one’s that ultimately feel we have to take charge and find a way. Also, sadly we are the ones that ultimately mess it up worse at times.

God does not want chaos, He wants to give your rest, peace, and love (Galatians 5:22-23, Psalms 29, 1 Corinthians 13:4-5). God will meet you right where you are. You don’t have to clean the house for Him, you don’t have to shower and be perfectly groomed for Him, you don’t have to cook for Him. God doesn’t care that your hair is standing on end as if you just weathered the lasted wind storm, He doesn’t care that your house has jelly on the floor from the kids, the laundry is practically crawling to the washing machine by itself. He doesn’t care that your a mess. He already see’s it, because He has been right there with you the whole time.

You ask why would God want to be around a mess like me? Because you are His child. Do you want your children perfect before you hang out with them? So why would you expect that your Father would want that? He wants to spend time with you at all times. Good, bad, and imperfect. God wants you to know that He is there, He loves you. He is a gentleman and won’t push, but He is a jealous God and will slow us down when we begin to place other things and people in front of Him.

He wants to hear about your day, your desires. God provides for our needs, we don’t have to tell Him what we need. He wants to bless you with the desires of your heart. He wants you to give Him your time, recognize and use the gifts that the Holy Spirit has provided within each of us to His glory. He is waiting on you to surrender and let Him take you on the most amazing journey. Have you felt that tug at your very core that there is something you should be doing but are not answering? Have you been short with that homeless person that crossed your path, instead of stopping to give a smile or see what their needs might be. A kind word goes a long way to what could be the very life saving moment in their life. Have you thought about a bible study but keep thinking your not qualified so you just don’t do it? These are cues that God is trying to get your attention. He is trying to get you engaged in His army!

Stop what your doing and pray. God is right there and He will always be there if you just let Him.

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They definitely have hearts on fire for Christ. From trials, testimonies, and travel this ministry can be seen on the road more times than not sharing God’s love. God doesn’t always bring someone into our lives over a nice dinner table, in the grocery store, or even in the streets…..sometimes He brings us to our knees and needs in places that we can’t run from. Never thought that I would be grateful for that lock and key, but oh how I am because it brought these two wonderful people into our lives. Thank you both for having eyes that see, and hearts that love.